Vol.39 No. 3(2):1097-1108 EFFE C T OF HUMATES COMPOUNDS AND MAGNETIC IRON ON GROWTH AND FRUITING OF VALENCIA O RANGE TREES ( Citrus sinensis L.) S. A. Ahmed (1) , M. R. M. Rabeh (1) , M. S. Melligy (2) and W. F. Abobatta (2) (1) Department of Hort., Fac. of Agric., Minoufiya Univ., Egypt. (2) Citrus Dept., Horticulture Research Institute, A. R. C., Giza, Egypt. Corresponding Author : (Received: Apr. 6, 2014) ABSTRACT : This investigation was carried out during two successive seasons (2011-012) and (2012-013) on 5- year- old Valencia orange trees. Trees were grown at a private orchard under reclaimed conditions (sandy soil and saline water), to study the effect of humate compounds and magnetic iron soil application on tree vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality were studied. There was significant impro...