Showing posts from 2015
Biodynamic Agriculture in Alexandria
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'Soils a solid ground for life'
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The World Soil Day Introduction: The World Soil Day Soil is vital for farming and food security. Soil deserved some respect, unfortunately often, most people treated with soil like dirt. What's the Soil? Soil is made up of organic remains, clay and rock particles, found on the Earth’s surface. It contributes to food, reduces biodiversity loss, and secures energy. Problems like deforestation, bad agricultural practices and pollution causes soil degradation and erosion. ...
Quinoa: An ancient crop to contribute to world food security
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Custard Apple Trees
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C ustard Apple are a sub-tropical half deciduous tree belonging to the Annonaceae family. Trees are large and spreading, shaded by large, green drooping leaves. The Fruit needs between 20 and 25 weeks to reacmaturity in sub-tropical climates where the days are not too warm and the nights not too cool. There are two main varieties of Custard Apples, the Pinks Mammoth (or Hillary White) and the African pride. Both are sweet, juicy and full of flavour. In Egypt there are different kinds like Abd Elrazk, Hendi and Geuine, The main problem for custard apple tree in Egypt the dry climate which causes drop of pollination and small fruits before maturity .
مبادرة اعلام وفنون بلا عنف تعلن فكرتها واهدافها فى اجتماع القاهرة والجيزه |
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Air condition by Solar Energy
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الزراعة المغناطيسية
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Effect of Magnetite on Trees growth under salinity condition "1"
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Influence of Magnetic Iron and K-Humate on Productivity of Valencia Orange
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Robotic tractors trialled on Riverina rice crops @ABCRural
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خاص :الإتحاد العربى للتنمية المستدامة والبيئة يكرم المعري عالم الفضاء المصري
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استخدام تكنولوجيا التبريد الشمسي في الصناعات الغذائية و الزراعية
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Internationale soil year
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العودة للزراعة النظيفة "2"
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