Effect of humates compounds and magnetic iron on growth and fruiting of Valencia orange trees ((Citrus sinensis L.)

Title of Thesis: Effectt of humates compounds and magnetic iron on growth and fruiting of Valencia orange trees (Citrus sinensis L.)
and fruiting of Valencia orange trees (Citrus Sinensis L.).
Author: Waleed Fouad Rizk Abobatta
Faculty: Agriculture - Minoufyia University
Department: Horticulture – Pomology.
Degree: Ph. D.
This investigation was carried out during the two successive seasons (2011-012) and
(2012-013) on Valencia orange trees grown in a private orchard in El Salhia region - Sharkia
governorate. This experiment included 16 treatments, which had three rates of Magnetite (250,
500 and 1000g) and three rates of K-Humate (25, 50 and 100g) and their combinations and the
control treatment.The experimental design was complete randomized blocks with 3 replicates.
The objective of this study was to add more information about the effect of different
Magnetite and K-Humate treatments on vegetative growth, leaf mineral content, yield and fruit
quality of the Valencia orange trees.
The results showed that Magnetite and K-Humate positively affect on growth parameters,
leaf chemical composition, total yield, yield efficiency and fruit quality. Wherever, M3H2
treatment was superior in increasing vegetative growth and total yield in both seasons.
Generally; Magnetite and k-Humate have been utilized to reduce the effect of soil and water
salinity on plant growth and enhancement different growth parameters, also, reduced negative
effects of B, Na and Cl elements on trees performance.
Finally, it can be suggest that M3H2 treatment was the economically treatment which was the
best results for the most parameters under this study which reflected to the yield production and
the fruit quality.
Key words: Valencia orange, Magnetic iron, Humate compound, vegetative growth, fruiting,
yield, fruit quality.


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